I received this very quickly after ordering, in perfect shape....read moreI received this very quickly after ordering, in perfect shape. Tremendously impressed with how this was packaged up for shipment - almost bullet proof. In addition, the generator was everything I wanted and is performing perfectly...currently 5 hours on the clock during the break in process.
This is basically the same unit as the Genmax 10500 sold in the USA as well as the Pulsar 10500 for the same money but in American dollars. Ordering from TMG saved me Canada/US duty, excessive shipping charges across border, and sales tax if I had ordered the same unit directly from the USA.
I looked up the Changching Dinking corporation (SP) who makes this unit in various formats, and sold under various brand names, and am quite impressed with the quality of manufacturing this Chinese company would seem to put out. I am also thoroughly impressed overall with the modern feature set on this generator. My only concern would be about warranty and spare parts should I need them.
I am a bit of a generator "junkie" and I own 9 generators (don't ask) including 4 Champions, 1Honda EU 6500, 1 Maxkeepingrod 3500 and 2 smaller Powermate 1200 units, so I don't impress easily. I bought this larger unit strictly for home backup using natural gas for use with my Generlink whole house electronic transfer switch.
This unit is a perfect match for my home backup needs and in the short time I have had it, I am 100 percent satisfied. Time will tell of course....