It takes a couple of days to complete installation by yourself and make sure you level up the tracks. And put a sticky note on the frame to remind you to tension the blade before starting the motor before each use. Cut about 400 BF so far and the results is far better lumber than you can get at the big box stores. I had a little difficult when I cut the first log with the blade diving. It has a yellow blade guard you can adjust to the width of your lumber so I moved it in to about 2 inches away from the log and problem solved, no more diving. I heard some people say that they had problems cutting a 12 foot length? I think it says UP TO 12 feet so I solved that delimia too, I got the 6 foot extension and now I can cut 16 foot logs. Problems solved. I am very happy and excited to get started on more projects. With the price and quality of store bought lumber and the price of the mill you can't beat it. And if you think you can't afford a sawmill for just a few small jobs, I can solved that problem too! Sell it when you done! Lol. You will still be ahead of the game and money in your pocket.